
Reasons behind the Increasing Rate of Psychiatric Disorder

Be it the Covid-19 pandemic, increasing use of social media, or any other contributory factors, the mental health condition amongst the masses is getting worse with each passing day. And unfortunately, it is happening at a global level.

Only the best neuro psychiatrist in Kolkata can treat these mental ailments as best as possible. However, other factors such as childhood experiences, genetics, and environment can play a role in triggering a psychiatric disorder in a person as well. Check out the reasons below. 

Table of Contents:

Mental Health Conditions that are on the Rise

Contributing Factors

4 Reasons Behind the Increasing Rate of Mental Health Conditions



Mental Health Disorders that are on the top Rise:

Certain mental health disorders are on the Rise now, researchers say. Here are only a few of them. 

Substance abuse disorders

Sleep-wake disorders

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other Related Disorders

Anxiety Disorders, and so on 

These conditions can trigger in anyone worldwide, so it’s always better to be safe than sorry. All you need to do is consult the best neuro psychiatrist doctor in Kolkata to get a unique yet effective treatment for your near and dear ones. 

Contributing Factors:

Several factors can give rise to a mental disorder in someone. These generally include:

Health concerns in women such as menopause, infertility, pregnancy and postpartum period

Traumatizing experiences

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)

Sudden, shocking experiences such as losing a job or becoming a parent, etc. 

Identity Issues

Feelings of loneliness or isolation

Shocking experiences for having certain medical conditions such as diabetes or cancer 

Chemical imbalances in the brain 

Biological factors 

Drug or alcohol consumption

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and many more

So, the type of psychiatric disorder you have can depend on any of these factors or multiple factors as well. It varies from one person to another. Therefore, it is best advised to consult a good doctor to know the underlying causes of your mental health ailment and the signs and symptoms related to it. 

4 Reasons behind the increasing rate of mental health conditions:

As already said, many reasons are responsible for the rapidly growing rate of mental health disorders in us, be it in our nation or globally. Take a peek into these aspects. 

Loneliness and Isolation:

In today’s world, where communal involvement has gone down to such an extent, feeling socially isolated and lonely is no wonder. Studies show that the rate of feeling lonely and isolated is higher in older adults due to their inability to cope with chronic illnesses, detachment from loved ones, and staying alone. However, young adults are in no way less susceptible when it comes to feeling lonesome or socially blocked, the main reasons being anxiety and depression-related disorders. 

Covid-19 Pandemic:

The brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of many people ever since it came into being. A rise of 25% in psychiatric disorders was noticed during the first year of the pandemic, primarily due to factors such as financial stress, loneliness, death of near and dear ones, fear of infection, fear of losing jobs, and many more.

Increased Use of Social Media:

The use of social media is good; after all, it helps many of us stay connected to our friends and family members. However, research has proved that increased use of social media can be detrimental for many. The worst part is it can give birth to many unhealthy social behaviors such as cyberbullying, comparing oneself constantly with others, encountering the fear of missing out (FOMO), and many more. 

Mainly, youngsters are the most extraordinary victims of these negative consequences of social media. In return, it triggers various mental health disorders, such as psychological distress, dire body image, depression, anxiety, and so on. So, avoid using social media as much as possible and engage more in productive habits such as exercising, watering plants, and reading books. 

Lack of Proper Care:

Self-love is the greatest care of all. So, if you see that you are getting any signs and symptoms of mental health disorder, you must see a good doctor immediately to get the proper treatment and therapies on time. Unfortunately, we often lack this sense of self-care, which further worsens the condition we are suffering from. So, make sure that you eat a healthy diet every day, exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, and dedicate at least half an hour to listening to positive affirmations. Plus, taking the advice of a professional is imperative if getting affected by an unwanted mental health ailment is the last thing you want. 


Mental health disorders are not unexpected, and they can trigger in someone at any point in time. Therefore, if any of the above reasons have given rise to a psychiatric problem in your near and dear ones, it is highly recommended to consult the best neuro psychiatrist doctor in Kolkata who will not only plan the proper treatment for you but will also give you some priceless tips and advice to make your mental health even better down the road. 

Good Luck!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the triggering causes of mental health disorders?

Genetic factors, childhood experiences, environment, depression, and anxiety-related disorders are some of the most common causes of mental health disorders in a person.

Are adolescents the victims of psychiatric disorders?

Mostly, things like hormonal fluctuations can lead to a variety of anxiety and depression-related disorders in adolescents. 

Why the rates of depression are increasing?

Loneliness and social isolation are two of the main reasons that are contributing to the increased rates of depression in people around the world. 

How social media can affect mental health?

Excessive use of social media has led to various uncanny behaviors amongst youngsters, including fear of missing out (FOMO), signs of depression and anxiety, reduced self-esteem, cyberbullying, and so on. 

Which countries have the highest rate of mental illness?

Nations such as Portugal, Greece, Spain, Palestine, and Tanzania have an ascending rate of mental illness amongst the masses, ranging from 5.75% to 6.52%, which is expected to increase with every passing year. 


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