Quick Overview of OCD: Explore the Symptoms and Treatments Now

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Do you get meaningless thoughts and feel scared of something without any reason? If yes, then you have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Patients with OCD perform compulsive or repetitive tasks and activities that can make their lives difficult.

If you want to get rid of OCD quickly, go for the best OCD treatments in Kolkata, and within a few days, you will see some surprising changes in your condition. Today, we will talk about OCD, the reasons that trigger the disease, and its remedies.

Table of Contents:

  • OCD: A clear picture
  • Symptoms and signs
  • Causes
  • Treatments
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs
  • OCD: A clear picture:

When a person acts or behaves abnormally and when that behavior or action becomes repetitive, the condition is called OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder. As a result, the victim of OCD cannot live a healthy life and finds it challenging to perform the daily activities that other people usually do. So, to fix OCD permanently, one must consult the Best Neuro Psychiatrist in Kolkata, and the results will be very effective.

  • Symptoms and Signs:

Some of the general symptoms and signs of OCD include:

  • Seeking non-stop reassurance
  • Fear of sudden contamination or germs
  • Violent behaviors towards oneself or other people
  • Evil thoughts related to sexual or religious violence or self-harming activities.
  • Constantly arranging things and putting them in order
  • Replacing obsessive thinking with neutral thinking
  • Moving the body or touching things strangely and repeatedly
  • Checking the condition of the gas cylinder, locks, or doors again and again
  • Washing hands and cleaning repeatedly
  • Counting things again and again

So, if you are also getting these OCD signs, don’t delay anymore. Book a consultation with the Best Neuro Psychiatrist in Kolkata, and depending on your condition, he or she will suggest a treatment and remedy that aligns nicely with your recovery goals.

  • Causes:

Many reasons can lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder. These include:

Viral infections: A few viral infections, such as the Borna disease virus, Herpes simplex virus, and toxoplasma Gondi, can result in some unwanted OCD symptoms.

External reasons: Events that cause trauma, such as child abuse, domestic violence, or stressful situations, can be responsible for OCD.

Faulty brain function or structure: When there is an imbalance in oxytocin or serotonin secretion (certain neurotransmitters in the brain) and when the brain stops working, it can usually cause OCD in a person.

Genetic reasons: One may get OCD from an immediate family member such as a father, mother, or sibling, and it’s not surprising at all.

However, these reasons can vary from one person to another, depending on the type and severity of OCD. In case you have OCD, see a good doctor today to find a permanent solution to this disease.

  • Treatments:

The two best medicines for OCD include medication and therapies. Here are the essential details.


The doctor may suggest medicines such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) to reduce symptoms of OCD. These drugs increase serotonin secretion (a happy hormone) in the brain, and you will have to take them for a few weeks or months to get the results.

Also, some patients have to take SSRIs for many years to get the same effect, depending on their condition. However, talk to your medical provider to set the duration of your medication, as he or she can guide you better on this.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the best counseling therapy for OCD.

In this treatment, the patient learns to divide their thoughts and feelings into smaller parts to reduce the severity of their complex nature.

After that, he or she will learn to deal with obsessions and fears effectively according to the order of complications of each behavior and thought, possibly from mild to more intense.

Like this, you can control your OCD symptoms nicely and live a happy and healthy life.

best OCD treatments in Kolkata
  • Conclusion:

So, why wait? If OCD makes your life tricky, you must try to fix it as soon as possible. Consult the best psychiatrist in Kolkata tofind a permanent remedy to OCD with guaranteed results after the treatments.

Happy Living!

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. How to control OCD?

A. Try to divert your attention to positive things and perform activities that give you pleasure. Also, consult a psychiatrist to treat your OCD effectively.

Q. Can I live a healthy life with OCD?

A. Yes, you can live a healthy life with OCD. By improving your lifestyle and consulting a psychiatrist on time, you can stop OCD from interfering with your everyday living.

Q. Is overthinking anxiety or OCD?

A. Anxiety and OCD both have common symptoms, such as unhealthy behaviors and thoughts. As a result, the victim performs peculiar activities and things that can lead to anxiety and overthinking, two main reasons for OCD.

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