
How Mental Retardation Treatment in Kolkata Offers New Beginnings with Hope?

Mental Retardation (MR), known as Intellectual Disability (ID), is a term we use when a child has below-average mental ability or intelligence and lacks day-to-day necessary skills for living. Children with ID/MR can do and learn new things, but they take more time than others. But with the treatment, ID can be manageable. In Kolkata, many ID cases are found. So Mental Retardation Treatment in Kolkata Offers New Beginnings with care and hope.

Table of Contents:

What is Intellectual Disability?

What are the signs & Symptoms of intellectual disability in children?

How do the Professionals diagnose intellectual disability in Children?

How Mental Retardation Treatment in Kolkata occurs?


Final Thoughts

What is Intellectual Disability?

Children with ID are affected in intellectual functioning and Adaptive behaviors.

Intellectual function: It also represents children’s IQ (intelligence quotient); doctors measure it through IQ tests. If a child’s IQ level is below 70 to 75, it refers to Intellectual Disability. A mentally sound person’s average IQ score is 100, but most people score 85 to 115. Children with low IQ levels consider delaying everything, like understanding, making decisions, and solving problems.

Adaptive behaviors: If a child has low Adaptive behaviors, then it hampers day-to-day life, such as poor communication skills, can’t interact appropriately with others, and unable to take of oneself.

What are the signs & Symptoms of intellectual disability in children?

  • Late in every natural task like Rolling over, sitting up, crawling, or walking.
  • Talking late or speeches need to be clarified.
  • Slower in primary things like, potty training, feeding themselves, and dressing.
  • Lack of remembering skills.
  • Behavior problems like Anger flare up and misbehave, such as throwing things.
  • Illogical thinking and low problem-solving skills.
  • Unable to do actions as per consequences.

ID also attracts other health problems, such as motor skills impairment, mood disorders (anxiety, OCD, autism, etc.), and hearing or vision problems.

How do the Professionals diagnose intellectual disability in Children?

If children have physical abnormalities, then doctors refer them for various tests, like blood, urine, brain imaging, and electroencephalogram (EEG), to confirm these are coming from genetic issues.

Doctors ask for those tests to confirm certain neurological disorders and hearing problems to discover the exact causes of children’s developmental issues. If no reason is found, they will proceed with the next step, formal testing.

Formal testing has three key factors; a conversation with parents, a test of intelligence and adaptive behaviors, and observing the child. An intellectually disabled child has both problems the IQ and adaptive behaviors. If only one presence between the two is not considered ID.

After diagnosing the ID, the professionals will determine your child’s strengths and weaknesses; that way, they will support your child to succeed at home, school, and community.

How Mental Retardation Treatment in Kolkata occurs?

Mental Retardation (MR) is not a critical health disease, even not an anxiety, depression, alike mental disorder. Though there is no cure for ID, it can be treatable. Children with ID/MR can do many things but take more time and effort than other children. There are no certain medications for ID. With the help of Multimodal / Combination therapy, they can be manageable.

Treatments include

  • Early Interventions
  • Behavior Modification Therapy
  • Speech Therapy
  • Special education
  • Occupational Therapy (OT)
  • Developmental Therapy
  • Medications

Anti-depressants, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and many more medications are available in the market and are used widely among children with ID for managing their conditions.


Does mental retardation have a cure?

No, there is no cure for mental retardation, but it can be treatable and manageable with the help of Multimodal / Combination therapy and medications.

How does mental retardation happen?

There is no exact cause of mental retardation. But professionals can suspect probable causes, like premature birth, brain injury during labor, or pregnancy. Some refer to the underlying reasons are chromosomal deficits (Down syndrome), inherited disorders, brain injury or infection, problems in metabolism, low birth weight, drug or alcohol intake during pregnancy, and the numbers go on.

Can people with mental retardation learn new skills?

Though there is no cure for ID, proper treatment can manage their symptoms. Also, people with MR/ID can learn new things, but they take more time than others, or they can learn differently than other kids. So yes, they can develop new skills.

Final Thoughts:

So, as we know, there is a solution when there is a problem. Similarly, if there is a disease, there is a treatment. So, with the help of Behavior Modification Therapy, Speech Therapy, Special education, Occupational Therapy (OT), and Medications can lower their ID symptoms and live a good life.

Want To Know More Regarding Best Childhood Mental Disorder Treatment in Kolkata..


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