Addiction Disorder Treatment

How to Reduce Urge to Drink Alcohol? Explore Checklist

Many people drink alcohol and become addicted to this habit. If you are one of them, then here is a good news.

You can quit alcohol effectively if you follow some simple steps in your daily life. These include drinking less alcohol, leaving alcohol permanently, eating healthy, exercising, etc. Plus, you must get the Best Addiction Disorder Treatment in Kolkata for better results.

Here are some tips to reduce your alcohol cravings.

Table of Contents:

5 ways to reduce alcohol addiction:

  • Distraction is the key
  • Talk to a friend or family member
  • Get to the root
  • Know your triggers
  • Speak to a professional

If you have an alcohol use disorder, getting alcohol cravings is very common. So, you must follow some effective ways and get the Best Drug Addiction Treatment in Kolkata to get rid of alcohol addiction permanently.

Consider these tips.

1. Distraction is the key.

Staying distracted and focusing on something else may help you reduce your alcohol cravings. For example, you can listen to music, go for a walk, read a book, prepare a dish, or watch a funny show on the Television.

You can list these habits and keep them handy on your phone or on the fridge. Make sure you pick your favorite activity every time the urge to drink alcohol hits you. Over time, you will start living a life free of alcohol consumption.

2. Talk to a friend or your family member.

If you think that your alcohol cravings are affecting your daily life, speak to a friend or family member. Talk to them for a few minutes every day, and you will instantly feel distracted from the loop of your regular urges.

You can also join support groups where people with similar disorders will offer you mental and emotional support. For better results, you can take the suggestions of the Best Neuro Psychiatrist in Kolkata from time to time.

3. Get to the root

Whenever you feel the urge to drink alcohol, think for once: what exactly is triggering these cravings in you? Is it the anxiety attack you get whenever you have to meet your stipulated deadlines, or it’s the result when you feel happy for no reason or sense a reduction in your stress levels all of a sudden?

Maybe a colleague or friend asks you to accompany them over a few glasses of wine, and you are all set and ready. Whatever the reasons are, getting to the root of your alcohol addiction is crucial if you want to get the Best Addiction Disorder Treatment in Kolkata that meets your unique needs and requirements.

4. Know your triggers

Things such as stress and anxiety or memory connected to alcohol consumption can be responsible for your triggers. Both external and internal factors can make you crave for alcohol like anything.

For example, physical suffering, irritation or anger, stress or anxiety, and sadness can be any of the internal causes out there. On the other hand, the external factors include:

  • Argument with a sibling.
  • End of your workday.
  • Partying with your friends or family members or revisiting a bar or restaurant frequently where you would drink before.

So, before you seek professional help, it’s better to have a clear idea of these triggers. As you share your stories and experiences with your medical provider, he or she will get a better understanding of your addiction disorder so they can plan the best treatment for it.

5. Speak to a professional

It is best advised to consult an expert professional who has the necessary skills and knowledge in the field of substance abuse and addiction. They can better identify the stimulus that triggers alcohol cravings in you.

Further, they will help you cope with stress and manage sleeplessness more effectively while getting to the point that forces you to take alcohol in your day-to-day life.

In addition, your therapist will teach you a couple of relaxation exercises and techniques to increase mindfulness, teamed up with a few sessions of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

It will help you get over all the negative thoughts and emotions that would otherwise create the desire in you to drink alcohol frequently.


So, why wait? Implement each of the tips given above and say goodbye to alcohol addiction forever. Also, if you think that the symptoms of your alcohol disorder are unmanageable, feel free to consult the Best Neuro Psychiatrist in Kolkata, and the results are going to be amazing.

Good Luck!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Which gender has more alcoholics?

A. As per an NIAA report, men are four times more likely to be alcoholic than women, with 62,000 men and 26,000 women dying of alcohol addiction every year.

Q. What food can I eat to reduce alcohol?

A. Seeds and nuts, lean proteins, vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and dark chocolate are some foods you can eat to reduce your alcohol cravings.

Q. What organ does alcohol affect the most?

A. Too much alcohol consumption can affect your liver heavily, leading to diseases such as fatty liver (Steatosis), liver inflammations, and so on.


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