
How to Get Rid of Schizophrenia Symptoms Relapse?

Schizophrenia is a critical psychological disease. Schizophrenia can affect the thoughts and daily activities of the victims. The exact reason researchers and psychiatrists did not configure it. The genetic, environmental, and disbalance of brain chemistry can be the culprit of the disease.

Schizophrenia is a treatable disease, but it takes a long time to control its symptoms. In many cases, we can see that if the symptoms are reduced, the patients stop taking medicines. That’s not a wise decision to take. It is suggested that you always remain under the guidance of the best psychiatrist in Kolkata.

Otherwise, the schizophrenia symptoms can relapse, which is more worse than before. If you or your loved one face a relapse situation without further delay, you should consult with your doctor or specialized best Schizophrenia treatment in Kolkata.

Here in this blog, we will expose how to avoid the symptoms of schizophrenia again or relapse.

Table of Contents:

  • Signs and symptoms of Relapse
  • How to prevent the symptoms of relapse
  • Last Thoughts
  • FAQs

Signs and symptoms of Relapse:

Let’s discuss some alarming signs of schizophrenia relapse:

  • Sleeping trouble,
  • Poor concentration,
  • Less eating,
  • Stay away from crowds or social detachment,
  • Mood swings, irritability, or nervous breakdown,
  • Having strange thoughts,
  • Lack of personal hygiene,
  • Nonsense speech,
  • Hearing voices that are not real,
  • Suspiciousness,
  • Delusions,
  • Violent talk or behavior,
  • Suicidal thoughts,
  • Breaking things,
  • Smiling without any reason.

Whenever your close one with schizophrenia has any of these issues, then seek thebest Schizophrenia treatment in Kolkataotherwise, if the schizophrenia relapses, then it becomes life-threatening or hazardous. Soplease don’t take it lightly; book an appointment with the best Psychiatrist in Kolkata for counseling, who will give you a good solution.

How to prevent the symptoms of relapse

1. Never skip medicines on your own: Most people with schizophrenia tend to ignore or stop taking medication if they feel good. It is most dangerous; if you respond well, then your psychiatrist will adjust the doses, but don’t do it on your own. It is one of the main reasons for relapse.

2. Sleep well: To overcome it, you must have a pleasant, good night’s sleep of 7 to 8 hours. It will rest your brain, and you will have sufficient energy to start your new day in the morning.

3. Physical activity: Either go to the gym or walk, whatever you prefer, do it for 30 minutes every day. Physical activity and medication work fine together and prevent relapse.

4. Relax sometimes: Don’t let stress take over. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take a break and relax. You can also focus on your hobbies and have good relaxation.

5. Avoid or limit to consume alcohol: Avoid alcohol and substances that can worsen your symptoms. So, if you are curving for alcohol or drugs, then you can seek help from the best drug addiction treatment in Kolkata, who can guide you on how to stay away from it.

Last Thoughts

Schizophrenia is a complex and critical mental illness, so whenever you face any trouble related to the disease or your loved one, without hesitation, seek help from the best Schizophrenia treatment in KolkataAlso, maintain the suggestions mentioned above:

  • Don’t stop taking medicines suddenly.
  • Get sufficient sleep.
  • Do some Physical activity.
  • Prioritize your hobbies.
  • Avoid alcohol or other illegal drugs.

So if you follow all those matters, you can live a healthy life with a doctor’s advice.


Q. Is schizophrenia genetic?

A. Though it has not tested the reasons behind schizophrenia, researchers are still researching it. But certainly, genetic factors can play a crucial role in developing schizophrenia.

Q. How long does schizophrenia last?

A. Schizophrenia is a prolonged disease. Sometimes, it can last for decades or even more. Though it is not curable, it can be treatable with proper diagnosis. With appropriate lifestyle and medications, people with schizophrenia live everyday lives.

Q. Does schizophrenia get worse at night?

A. It has not been proven, but research says schizophrenia gets worse at night. In most cases, the disruptive thoughts and hallucinations increase at night.

Q. Do people with schizophrenia sleep a lot?

A. It depends; some sleep very little, while others sleep a lot. It also depends on how acute the disease is.


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