
How Best Neuro Psychiatrist Doctor in Kolkata Care and Cures Mental Health?

Mental illness comes from the brain or nervous system, and that causes mood swings, forgetfulness, depression, panic, a mania for something, etc., then for sure you need to visit or fix an appointment with best Neuropsychiatrist doctor in Kolkata.

Neuropsychiatry is a hybrid of psychiatry and neurology. A psychiatrist is a doctor who differentiates your behavior and personality from regular people; he treats you by your external activities.

Conversely, the best Neuro Psychiatrist in Kolkata digs into the dipper. They will discover the root of the mental issues; It can be genetic or injury in the brain, or else some trauma may be the reason for break down mental health.

How The Neuro psychiatrist Doctor in Kolkata Diagnoses the Diseases?

As we read above, the difference between a psychiatrist and a neuropsychiatrist. Neuropsychiatrists are doctors who specialize in identifying abnormalities in the brain; according to that, they can treat their patients. There are many procedures to diagnose mental disorders, mentioning a few below.

Here are some prevalent procedures of mental or brain examination.

  • MRI scans
  • CT Scans
  • Psychological tests
  • EEG Tests

Sometimes doctors conduct these tests to monitor their patients’ brains and accordingly change doses of medications or sometimes replace medicines.

Injuries in the Brain:

One of the most common causes of brain dysfunction is brain injury. Sometimes a brain injury affects a patient’s behavior and personality. Here neuropsychiatrists start their treatment to recover patients’ mental health. Alike neurologists, neuropsychiatrist doctors also can treat brain injuries. The common causes of brain injuries, which the best Neuro Psychiatrist in Kolkata treats, include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Strokes
  • Mental shock
  • Concussion

Offering Counseling and Therapy:

Many mental disorder patients are responding with the help of counseling and therapy. Therapy and counseling boost their mental health and helps to control their symptoms, and improve their overall lifestyle. Many mental disorders need counseling and therapies, including:

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • OCD
  • Anxiety
  • Panic, etc.

Different forms of therapies are there, but the most common and preferred therapies include:

  • Family therapy
  • Interpersonal therapy
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy

Proper Medications:

Through proper medications, many mental disorders can be managed. After watching closely, and studies on the patients’ neuropsychiatrists prescribe medicines to control the diseases and get back to the mainstream of life. Here are mentioned the most commonly prescribed medications below:

  • Antidepressants
  • Stimulants
  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Mood stabilizers, etc.

Brain Surgery:

Sometimes, when medications, therapies, and counseling fail, the Neuro Psychiatrist Doctor performs brain surgery to overcome mental issues from tumors, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and blood clots.

This blog lets you know when we need to consult the best Neuropsychiatrist doctor in Kolkata. If you feel that you or your close one behaves unnaturally, you must visit a good neuropsychiatrist consultant who can care for your mental health.

Though most mental issues are not curable, through medications, therapies, counseling, and rarely surgeries, you or your close one can get back to their mainstream of life and control their symptoms.

We are MIOP Kolkata (Miracle Institute of Psychiatry Kolkata), a team of ExpertNeuro psychiatrists in Kolkata who successfully treated plenty of Mental Disorder patients with care and love. For further you can Contact Us.


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