Addiction Disorder Treatment

How Best Drug Addiction Treatment in Kolkata Reviving Lives with Care?

Substance use disorder (SUD) or Drug Addiction is a mental state where people, after knowing the harmfulness of the substances, still can’t control the urge to take those legal or illegal medicines or drugs. A little bit or occasionally, many people can take nicotine or alcohol just for fun. But when things are uncontrollable, they become dependent on substances like marijuana, alcohol, heroin, cocaine, nicotine, etc. Then you must seek for Best Drug Addiction Treatment in Kolkata for Reviving Lives.

Table of Contents:

Drug Addiction Symptoms?

How do you know about unhealthy drug use in your family members?

How to Diagnosis?

How Best Drug Addiction Treatment in Kolkata to Help people regain mainstream life with care, love, and patience?


Final Impression.

Drug Addiction Symptoms?

The underlying Behavior & Symptoms of Drug Addiction are below:

  • Always urged to have those drugs regularly at specific times or several times a day.
  • Strong desire to take drugs and mental blockage; no other thoughts come to mind.
  • Over time, craving more and more drugs for the same effects.
  • After habituation, you need more quantity of drugs than you intended in the past.
  • Always store drugs in advance so that they always get a supply.
  • Spending ample money on it, whether you have sufficient funds or not.
  • Effect on work responsibilities and social activities.
  • Knowing the harmfulness of drugs physically and mentally, you still have a strong urge to take them.
  • It may change your behavior like never before. You may steal money from your own or friends’ houses for taking drugs.
  • You love to do risky activities like driving after influencing by drugs.
  • You are failing to stop taking drugs.
  • You feel bitter withdrawal experiences after trying to stop taking them.

How do you know about unhealthy drug use in your family members?

Sometimes it isn’t easy to understand the mood swings and anxiety from drug abuse or normal hectic circumstances. Let’s discuss the positive signs of drug abuse in your family:

Drop school or Work: Sudden disinterest in attending school or the workplace hampers daily activities and reduces work performance.

Health Issues: Low mood and motivation to work, sudden weight gain or loss, sometimes red eyes, and cough.

Not a Clean Appearance: Lack of interest to well dress-up, and look good. Missing tip-top appearance.

Changing behavior: Sudden behavior changes with family and friends, constantly hiding something. You feel something is cooking behind you.

Monetary Issues: Suddenly asking for money without proper explanation, you may realize a lack of funds, or even household things are missing, which means they are being used for taking drugs.

How to Diagnosis?

Best Addiction Disorder Treatment in Kolkata, diagnosing people thoroughly by evaluation and assessments. More often, the Psychiatrist, psychologist or licensed drug & alcohol counselor will ask for lab tests such as blood, urine, and saliva to assess drug use. Though these are not diagnostic tests for addiction, with the help of the lab tests will help to monitor the treatment and recovery.

How Best Drug Addiction Treatment in Kolkata to Help people regain mainstream life with care, love, and patience?

It would help if you remembered that there is no cure for drug addiction, but with the help of proper, long-term, and ongoing treatment, it can be treatable and manageable.

Let’s describe the step-by-step guide for the treatment procedure:

Withdrawal Therapy or Detoxification:

Withdrawal Therapy or Detoxification is a vital step where professionals try to keep you away from drugs or alcohol with quick and safe procedures. Some take the treatments as outpatient; on the other hand, some admit to hospitals or residential treatment centers.

Through detox, doctors reduce the doses of substances or temporarily substitute other substances.


After discussion, professionals can get to know your level of SUD. According to that, they will charge medicines. Though opioid addiction cannot be cured by medication, its symptoms can be reduced, also helps to recover and prevent relapse. Medications also lower your urges for Drugs.

Behavior Therapy:

Behavior therapy, or psychotherapy, is part of a drug treatment program. You may receive counseling from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed alcohol and drug counselor. Counseling and therapy are provided to the patient alone or with family and friends. Here are the procedures:

  • They will help you to lower the curving for substances.
  • Also, they will guide you on how to avoid drugs and prevent relapse.
  • They also discuss the issues from your job, relationships, and legal problems with your family and friends.
  • They can make your family and friends supportive of the therapies.
  • Also, identify other mental health issues.

Self-help Support Groups:

Self-help support groups spread awareness of the side effects of taking substances. They also help you regain mainstream of life by reducing the sense of shame and isolation; this feeling can lead you to relapse, which is dangerous.

Your psychiatrist may help you find the groups, or you can locate them in your community. Also, you can search for them on the Internet.


Why Do People Become Addicted?

There is no exact reason for addiction. But generally, it can be developed through environmental and genetic causes. If the substances are readily available or in the family, if you are emotionally or physically abused, then the chances are high of addiction. Sometimes genes are also responsible; if your family has a history of addiction, it acts as a catalyst.

Sometimes your other mental health issues lead to addictions, like anxiety, depression, etc.

Is Addiction Curable?

There is no cure for addictions, but it is undoubtedly treatable if treatment starts on time.

Is Addiction Part of Your DNA?

Research shows that 40 to 60 percent of SUD come from genes or DNA. So, genes play a vital role in developing the curves for drug or alcohol intake.

Final Impression:

After completing all the treatment procedures, you should receive ongoing treatments and support to prevent relapse. Take follow-up care, like counseling, and remember the appointment with your psychiatrist. Also, join the group sessions of the self-help program. If you relapse or are urged to retake them, seek help from professionals, don’t delay.


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