
Finding Hope: How to Overcome & Stay with Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia takes control of someone’s feelings, thinking, and behavior. It is a complex mental disorder where people craft their imaginary world. Common symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, etc. But can a person live a normal life with schizophrenia? Yes, by choosing the Best Schizophrenia Treatment in Kolkata, it is possible to live a healthy and normal life. Read on to find out more.

Table of Contents:




4 tips to overcome schizophrenia




A doctor detects schizophrenia by going to the underlying causes of other mental disorders. For this, he or she generally conducts tests and exams such as:

Psychiatric Assessment: Involves checking mental health by asking about delusions, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts, and mood swings, including personal and family history as well.

Screenings and Tests: Involves tests to detect schizophrenia and its warning signs and symptoms and screening for drugs and alcohol. Sometimes, the doctor can also conduct MRIs or CT scans, depending on the situation.

Physical Exam: Physical exams are done to identify underlying causes and complications.

The Best Neuro Psychiatrist in Kolkata will conduct these exams and tests on you before the treatment starts. After that, they will ask you to take medications, therapies, or a combination of both unique to your condition.


Schizophrenia requires a lifelong treatment that involves psychosocial therapies or medications or a combination of both as per the patient’s symptoms. If the condition is too severe, the person must be hospitalized immediately.

Your medical team will include a psychiatric nurse, case manager, social and psychologist who will help you cope with schizophrenia in the best way possible.


Medicines such as antipsychotic and anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants are effective in managing symptoms of schizophrenia. However, depending on the patient’s condition, the doctor may prescribe other drugs over time. Alternatively, giving injections will become necessary if the victim is unwilling to take medicines. So, it’s wise to ask the Best Neuro Psychiatrist Doctor in Kolkata, and they will suggest the most effective medicine and therapy depending on your condition.

4 Tips to Overcome Schizophrenia

Though tough coping with a mental disorder like schizophrenia if the person gets the proper support and guidance from near and dear ones. Here are 4 such tips.

Join a Support Team: Support teams that help people with schizophrenia allow you to connect with individuals facing similar situations. They also help the victims’ friends and families.

Avoid Drugs and Alcohol: Taking alcohol or drugs can be harmful to schizophrenia. So, ask your doctor how to get rid of this habit if you are a victim of alcohol or substance abuse.

Try Relaxation Techniques: People with schizophrenia can try relaxation techniques such as tai chi, meditation, and yoga, which are very effective.

Set goals: Schizophrenia takes time to recover. So, the patients with goals of schizophrenia in mind will help them stay motivated.

So, if you or your loved one has schizophrenia, then make an appointment with the Best Neuro Psychiatrist Doctor in Kolkata and say goodbye to this mental disorder permanently.


Hope you found today’s post informative and interesting! In case you or any of your loved ones have schizophrenia, give them the Best Schizophrenia Treatment in Kolkata today while following the four tips given above. This way, you can live a healthy life even with schizophrenia.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do you overcome schizophrenia?

The treatment of schizophrenia generally involves medicines, therapy, or a combination of both, depending on the victim’s condition. People with schizophrenia most receive treatments from community mental health teams (CMHTs) that offer everyday support and assistance while giving you full liberty and independence.

How do you stay positive with schizophrenia?

Do things that give you pleasure and make you happy, such as cooking, listening to music, or doing DIY activities. This will help you cope with your emotional challenges and live a positive, everyday life.

What to avoid with schizophrenia?

Managing stress, making more connections, eating well, setting a daily routine, and avoiding drugs and alcohol are some of the ways to stay away from the adverse effects of schizophrenia.


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