Existential OCD: Fear of losing close one and Existence:

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What happens after my death? My family and friends will remember me, and will they moan for not being there? Am I real or dream? What is the life after death? There are so many of these types of questions that arise with people with Existential OCD, and the tricky thing is it can not be answered.

Existential OCD people become upset quickly with these types of thoughts, which generally have no answers. If you or your loved one are suffering from this situation, then without hesitation, seek help from the best OCD treatments in Kolkata; they will give a proper treatment and lower the symptoms.

OCD stands for obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you have an obsession, then you must have a compulsion. Obsession is thoughts, imagination, fear, and feelings. Compulsion is a mental or physical activity related to your obsession, like asking the same questions and washing your hands for fear of hygiene issues. There are so many compulsion activities we can see, so before it becomes severe, you should visit the best psychiatrist in Kolkata to overcome the situation.

Matters We Cover:

  • Existential obsessions Example
  • Common Existential Compulsion
  • How to Treat Existential OCD
  • Final Thoughts
  • FAQs

Existential Obsessions Example:

  • Who I am?
  • What is the purpose of my life?
  • Am I Real or Fiction?
  • What is the Universe? and What is my contribution to the Universe?
  • What happens after my death?
  • Is there any existence of Rebirth?
  • Are we connected with our family and friends from previous birth?
  • From where I have come on the Earth? And after my death, where will I go?
  • When there is nothing we can carry with us from the Earth, why should we study, make a promising career, and earn money?
  • What will I do if my loved one passes away? How can I live? Will I be able to meet them again?

All of the above are a few examples of Existential Obsessions among the plenty. Due to all the thoughts being philosophical, we also called it philosophical OCD.

Common Existential Compulsion:

  • Checking several times to see whether the door is locked or not, the fear of theft. So you get late and start panicking.
  • Constantly asking philosophical questions to yourself or others, searching on the internet or in books, can be the reason for mind blockage, and you can’t be productive.
  • Always verify with your close one whether you are walking on the right path. It will reduce your self-confidence.
  • Wasting time to think unreal things and needing more quality time to invest in other realistic and practical matters. So it will hamper your daily life.
  • Doubting about anything and being far away from logical matters.

People repeatedly do the same activity or behavior in the compulsion series, interfering in their daily lives.

How to Treat Existential OCD:

The best psychiatrist in Kolkata generally follow two methods: one is medications, and the other is therapy. Let’s dig deeper into the treatment process.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

CBT is like talk therapy or psychotherapy. The therapist or best Psychiatrist in Kolkata for counseling will guide you on how to control your emotions, unwanted thoughts, and behaviors. With a therapist’s supportive idea, the intensity of the symptoms can be lower.

Exposure and response prevention (ERP):

ERP is a type of therapy where people with existential OCD expose their unwanted and fearful thoughts repeatedly. The therapist gives homework like researching existential questions, watching videos on this topic, listening to the therapist’s audio recordings, etc.

ERP also helps them control their emotions and anxieties, avoid frightening thoughts, and move on. Through this treatment process, they can ignore and let them pass the unreal thoughts and doubts.

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Final Thoughts:

If you can’t control your repetitive thoughts, which is useless, or lots of philosophical questions come into your mind, such as, “Who am I? What is the reason I have come on the Earth? Lives after death? Am I Real or Illusion?” if these types of question come in your mind. If it makes you restless, then for sure, you have existential OCD. So, without delay, please seek help from the best OCD treatments in Kolkata because it is treatable, and you can live a healthy life with medications and therapies.


Q: How do I know if I have existential OCD?

A: If you always think about life and death, something that is not practical, such as the purpose of life, Who I was in past life? Why did I come to this family? What is the reason for my Existence in the Universe? If this type of thought comes repeatedly and hampers your daily routine, then make sure you have existential OCD.

Q: Does existential OCD go away?

A: Many people cure and come out with existential OCD with the help of Exposure and response prevention (ERP). Some are managing well with medications and therapies. Instead of thinking of full recovery, you should do more to manage and control it because people with managed OCD can live healthy and happy lives.

Q: How do you fight existential OCD?

A: After long research, psychiatrists come to the point that with the help ofmedication and CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy, people with OCD can get the best results for happy lives.

Q: What happens if OCD is left untreated?

A: If OCD is untreated, it will hamper your daily activities, such as schoolwork and office tasks. It also damages your relationships and even basic functioning.

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